F150 Harley Davidson S/c

Discussion in 'General Supercharger Discussion' started by Albroswift, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Albroswift

    Hello, All
    Got my magnuson boxed up and on the way back for a refurbish, looking at a couple different Harley Davidson F-150's, 2002-2003, around 100K miles for a daily driver while I spend the summer going through the Lightning Killer.
    Anyone have experience with this package, how many miles are the S/C's good for, What to look for before I buy, maintenance, etc?

  2. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    I've tuned more of them than I can count over the years. Run 8-10lbs boost max and it'll last forever, provided you change the supercharger oil and also that the tune is good. I would look to see if it still has the big upper pulley, so you know it's been running stock boost but those are getting hard to find. You want a 2003 - 2004, they resolved the spark plug launch issue previous 5.4L V8s had. Generally these trucks tend to be in better shape than many of the Lightnings, people don't flog them as much!
  3. Albroswift

    I've noticed they are in better shape, and I really want a super cab or crew cab, not the reg cab lightning. Almost got a Foose the other day 80K miles but I snoozed and loosed, someone got there first.
  4. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    I almost bought one for my wife, it was a 2004 in mint condition, 36,000 miles. But she didn't want us to have another truck (we have two already). We ended up with a 2006 Explorer... boo!
  5. Albroswift

  6. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    Looks good. Worth a try to see if they can knock off $1500 due to mileage, but good deal even so.
  7. Albroswift

    Did you look at the photos?
  8. Albroswift

    Think I found one with normal doors, checking it out this afternoon.
  9. Albroswift

    My luck...
    drove about 285 miles, beautiful charcoal grey in excellent shape, good price, just before I got there they fired it up and it started throwing the 171/ 174 code, O2's reporting lean conditions. Salesman said they were going to replace the O2's. (right, kill the messenger). Had it up on the rack and the mechanic had that "hey, boss, I'm a suburu mechanic" look on his face. I did get a good look at the underside. Could be something simple, could be something expensive. I was pretty happy it didn't wait until I bought it and was blowing back across the desert last night. Anyway, they are going to send it into the ford shop monday. See if they can figure it out, maybe still something that I can work with. Brought up a good thought, I should pull the Edge Insight out of the 98 and plug it in to prospective buys, see what the fuel banks are doing...
  10. vinces427bb Staff Member

  11. Albroswift

    What a waste. They have been trying to sell it for a few weeks. Good luck!
  12. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    Yes. Sorry for the delay, been at a lake cabin over the weekend so I didn't get online much. I don't care for them personally, but some people like them.

    Codes might be from the tune loaded into it, if it's not a stock tune. But I'm not sure that's something I would want to risk. Its a big purchase, if you gotta wait for a perfect one it's worth it.
  13. Albroswift

    There's a 08 Foose about 400 miles away, 59K miles, $26K. Way better then a 03 HD...Way more money.
  14. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    Do you have a link to it? Don't worry, I don't want it, happy with my 2006 Roush.
  15. Albroswift

    Took off about 6 this morning in the Mustang , 200 miles little place east of Salem, bought the truck, drove the truck back to Salem to get a car hauler, back to the dealer, loaded the Mustang, back to Seattle little after 6 pm tonight. Truck had almost no gas, been sitting for a while, but fired instantly and smoothed out after a fill up of his test.

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    vinces427bb likes this.
  16. Albroswift

    Hi test...
    Towed the car nicely plenty of oomph gauges all 5x5
    A/C on all the way, 85 deg out, cruise control, manually popped it out of o/d on the low hills went I started to feel guilty but plenty of torque at low rpm out of the Roush.
    vinces427bb likes this.
  17. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    Nice rig. If it doesn't have an aftermarket tune yet, the Roush blower really wakes up with a good tune. Not a subtle difference, but night and day. :)

    Oh, also the weak point with the 4R70w (and 4R73e used in these trucks) is the 4-2 downshift. Avoid wide open throttle 4-2 downshifts, they will kill the transmission over time. So if you're about to open it up, hit the OD button to drop it to 3rd, then it can safely do a wide open 3-2 downshift.
  18. Albroswift

    Think its the 4R75E, but yes, for sure on avoiding the 4-2 downshifts, thanks for the tip. Might have time to play around with the tune, but it'll never come close to the 98 and is pretty respectable as is for a 5500 lb truck! If all it does is get me to work and back comfortably while looking cool I'm good till I get the lightning killer back on the road. Then I might do the tune it and slam it, for a truck that looks lowered you're really up in the nose bleed section.
  19. Albroswift

    Something that caught me off guard, now it's not a tilt steering wheel, it's an adjustable column. When did this ridiculous feature start coming out? Dog really likes the electric cargo window though, that's a plus.
  20. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    You mean the way the entire column goes up and down? My wife likes regular tilt like my F250 has, but I prefer entire column. I guess it has to do with your height, distance from the seat and angle you're most comfortable with the steering wheel at.

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