Turbo + Electric Motor = Turbo/supercharger

Discussion in 'General Supercharger Discussion' started by SCF/HAIC, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    Zero lag, bottom end boost, top end boost, what more could you want?

    11700600_10153500655507112_9035906607770969216_o.jpg #ad

  2. LS Crazy

    How much do those things cost?
  3. Matt Cramer

    How much voltage and current does it need?
  4. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

  5. Fox7upstang

    The tag say 90kw integrated motor generator? Does it spin turbo or collect energy?
  6. vinces427bb Staff Member

    i thought i read that it did both:blackalien:
  7. SCF/HAIC Staff Member Admin

    Yeah, I think when it's not under boost any exhaust spinning the unit is used to generate power. Not sure though.
  8. ETBlownHome

    I wonder how much restriction that puts on the exhaust to turn it enough to generate power?
  9. vinces427bb Staff Member

    I skimmed thru the article and it was to generate power while braking and when not on the throttle???

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